Four Essential Steps To Communicating A Vision

Vision is crucial in leadership.

There’s no easy way to say this: without vision, there can be no leadership.

If you are a leader, having a vision is essential. You need to understand how vision works in the life of a leader.

And then you need to know how to communicate it.

Man With Megaphone

There are four essential steps to communicating your vision to the people around you.

Embody the vision.

Personify it. For all practical purposes, become the vision. Make sure that people see the vision clearly in your life and action. Make sure that everything you do and say undergird your vision.

If you don’t believe in it, no one else will. If you don’t preach it, no one else will understand it. If you don’t live it, no one else will experience your passion for it.

And know this: your passion is contagious.

When you personify your vision, people will jump on board quickly.

One on one vision casting.

You have to talk about your vision with other people. Identify key people in your organization and set aside time to talk with them, one on one. Lay out your vision to them. Allow them to see your passion. Help them to see just what your ideas are and what the envisioned future looks like.

Talking the time to talk with these individuals communicates to them that you value them. They will realize that you consider their partnership valuable, and that in itself will go a long way in helping them buy into your vision.

Taking the time to talk to these key individuals separately will take a huge amount of time, but it is worth every minute. Because once they buy into your vision, it becomes theirs as well. And the results will multiply exponentially.

Cast the vision publicly.

Take the time to share your vision publicly. Share it often, and with everyone you can. Share your vision with the people at all levels of your organization, from your leadership team and key people to the staff, clients, customers, congregation, or whatever the case may be.

Share you vision with people in the community as well. People who don’t have a connection with you or you organization can know what you are all about. It’s true that the best publicity is word of mouth. When everyone knows why you do what you do, it makes building your organization easier.

Start casting your vision publicly as soon as possible. It’s never too early to let people know what you see for the future. And share it as often as needed. Keep your vision in front of your people, so that they don’t lose focus.

Above all, keep it simple.

While your vision may be complex, most of your organization will never be able to keep track of all the details. Keep it simple. Share the big picture with everyone, but you’ll only need to share the nitty gritty details with those who will help you carry them out.

Keeping it simple will enable you to keep it fresh and in front of everyone in your organization easily and effectively.


Communicating your vision effectively is a crucial part of going to the next level. You can see where you want to go, where you want to be. But no one else can see that unless you share it with them. Doing that effectively can be tough, but the payoff is worth it.

What do you do to cast your vision? What would you add to this list? You can share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

4 thoughts on “Four Essential Steps To Communicating A Vision

    • I agree that the first one is important, and because vision is so personal, it may seem like the most important. But I believe that the others are just as crucial, in their own ways.

  1. I have been working on keeping many things more simple in my life. I tend to make statements more wordy than I need to. I really like how it applies to casting a vision.

    • I do the same thing. It’s kind of hard for me to reduce the amount of words I use. That’s one reason I write as much as I can, to train myself to say more using less.

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